OSU Extention Weekly Newsletter – Dec. 20, 2024

OSU Extention Weekly Newsletter – Dec. 20, 2024

Calf Price Update: “Calf and feeder cattle prices have jumped higher over the last few weeks. Several factors are working together to boost prices including rain, fewer calves for sale, and maybe even the impact of import restrictions on Mexican cattle due to screwworm regulations.” In this article, Dr. David Anderson of Texas A&M University shares an update on calf prices, as well as the factors that influence these prices, and what to expect moving forward. https://u.osu.edu/beef/2024/12/04/climbing-calf-prices/

Getting the Most Out of Your Stockpiled Grass: “Stockpiling tall fescue is the most economical way to feed cows during the winter months. Once stockpiled growth has accumulated, how you choose to utilize it can dramatically impact how many grazing days you get per acre. Research in Missouri showed that giving cows access to only enough forage for 3 days versus 14 days resulted in a 40% increase in grazing days per acre. The following tips will help to get the most out of your stockpiled forages.” If you have animals on the pasture and are trying to maximize their grazing opportunities into the winter months, you may be interested in this article from Dr. Chris Teutsch of the University of Kentucky. In it, he discusses strategies for maximizing stockpiled forages, such as which forages to start grazing first, which to wait on, strip grazing, and more. https://u.osu.edu/beef/2024/12/11/getting-the-most-out-of-your-stockpiled-grass/

Improving Calf Welfare in Cold Weather: “As winter approaches, low ambient temperatures and high humidity pose serious challenges for all calves, with very young ones being especially at risk. When temperatures drop below 50°F, calves must expend extra energy to maintain their body temperature.” The cold weather of the fall and winter months can provide many challenges for livestock producers, not the least of which is difficulty caring for young animals. Dr. Grazyne Tresoldi, Assistant Professor of Animal Welfare at the OSU Department of Animals Sciences, writes in this article about some ways calf producers can ensure their young livestock are well cared for in low temperatures. Some topics include housing, feeding, and providing layers for the calves. https://dairy.osu.edu/newsletter/buckeye-dairy-news/volume-26-issue-6/practical-tips-improve-calf-welfare-cold-weather

National Milk Testing Strategy: “As part of the National Milk Testing Strategy, APHIS will work with each state in the contiguous United States to execute testing in a way that works for the state and that aligns with the NMTS standards. Once a state begins testing under the NMTS, APHIS will place that state into one of five stages based on the HPAI H5N1 virus prevalence in that state. As states move to another stage, we will have a stronger picture of our progress towards eliminating HPAI H5N1 at state, regional and national levels.” Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in dairy cattle has been a hot topic since reports first emerged earlier this year. USDA APHIS recently announced a new measure to manage the impacts of HPAI: the National Milk Testing Strategy. This article goes into more specific detail regarding the strategy, and how it will impact the dairy industry. https://www.usda.gov/media/press-releases/2024/12/06/usda-announces-new-federal-order-begins-national-milk-testing

Providing Water to Livestock: “Many factors need to be considered when developing watering sources for livestock. Adequate amounts of water are needed to maintain high levels of production. Limiting water intake reduces animal performance quicker and more drastically than any other nutrient deficiency (Boyles). Improving springs or seeps by excavating, cleaning, capping or providing a collection and storage area improves the distribution of water and preserves water quality.” Water is often considered to be the most important nutrient, and it is essential that livestock producers ensure their animals always have clean water to consume. In this article, Mark Landefeld of OSU Extension and Jeff Bettinger of Natural Resource Conservation Service share valuable resources on providing water to livestock. Topics include the amount of water consumed per day, calculating tank capacity, keeping tanks clean, and preparing water sources for winter. https://ohioline.osu.edu/factsheet/ANR-12

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MV FFA participates in Parliamentary CDE

MV FFA participates in Parliamentary CDE

ANSONIA – The Mississinawa Valley MVCTC-FFA Chapter participated in the County Parliamentary Procedure Contest.

The contest was held at Ansonia High School on Thursday, November 14th. The advanced team was made up of six members, Daniel Hartzell, Aldon Edger, Shane Germann, Emma Brock, Ty Houser, and Conner Hardy. The novice team participants were Miles Hughes, Grayson Wilkerson, Brooklyn Crain, Aubrey Lang, McKinley Stacher, Addysan Preston, Makayla Grow, Emma Temple, Cole Hanes, Cassidy Seubert, Cade Seubert, Casen Gower, Gavin Rehmert, Peyton Wolfe, Ella Livingston, and Jada Zehringer.  They spent the weeks leading up to the contest practicing.

At the contest, they took a general knowledge test over parliamentary procedure. Then they had to perform a mock chapter meeting where they had to make two main motions and debate them. Members demonstrate their ability to debate and properly amend, refer, recess, postpone, table and adjourn. The chairman’s responsibility was to respond to the main motions and abilities. The secretary had to make and debate motions, complete his assigned and extra abilities, along with taking the minutes for the whole meeting. The demonstration portion has a time limit. The participants were judged on the execution of their abilities and their debate on the motions. The test scores and meeting scores were combined for all teams and the results were posted.

The advanced team placed 5th overall and did not advance.  The novice team advanced to the district where the team was Makayla Grow, Ella Livingston, Addy Preston, Aubrey Lang, Cassidy Seubert, McKinley Stachler, Peyton Wolfe, and Grayson Wilkerson.

Congratulations to all those who participated!

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MV FFA attends National FFA Convention

MV FFA attends National FFA Convention

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – The Mississinawa Valley MVCTC-FFA Chapter attended the 97th National FFA Convention. The convention was held on October 23-26, 2024. It was held in the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, Indiana. The members who attended were Aron Hunt, Aaron Hummel, Thomas Gower, Brandon Miller, Bryson Gower, Tanner Leichty, Paytyn Heistand, Breanna Germann, Christana Mangen, Dylan Wehrkamp, Makenna Guillozet, Taylee Woodbury, Harley Hanes, Stephany De La Torre Barron, Daniel Hartzell, Aldon Edger, Ethan Grow, Matalin Meyer, Shane Germann, and Brennan Manning. They were chaperoned by advisors Carmen Hartzell and Karlee Knapke.

At 8:00 a.m. Wednesday morning members left MV and headed for the Convention Center. Once they arrived the students had time to walk around and see all the booths. They grabbed lunch and attended the first session of the convention. In this session, they were entertained by speaker Kevin Wanzer’s message to engage others with love. After that, they headed back to the hotel to get changed and head to the National FFA Rodeo held at the Indiana State Fairgrounds.

On Thursday morning the members attended their Career Success Tours. They could choose to go to one of the following: Corteva, Case IH, and Driving Wind Farm.

There they learned the different careers that go into each of these fields. After their tours, they enjoyed lunch at Fogo De Chao, a Brazilian Steakhouse. Then students attended the second session of the convention, where they heard the retiring address from the National FFA Secretary, Grant Norfleet. Grant spoke about his personal experiences of comparing himself to others. He helped us all realize we are not any better or worse than those around us.

After his address, Aldon Edger and Shane Germann walked across the stage to receive the chapter’s three-star recognition for their national chapter award. They then left the session to eat dinner amongst themselves and as a chapter, they played with the Top Golf simulator at their hotel. After that, members headed back to their rooms to get some rest after such a long day.

On Friday morning members headed to the third session of the convention where they listened to keynote speaker Temple Grandin. She spoke about the three different types of thinkers, visual, mathematical, and word. She said how none are better than the others but, rather they are strongest when they work together. After the session was over members stopped for lunch and headed back home towards MV.

On Saturday, October 26th, advisor Carmen Hartzell returned back to Indianapolis to watch Lilly Severance, Ben Hartzell, and Kennedy Stachler receive their American Degrees. The American Degree is the highest degree and FFA member can receive. It is awarded to those who have shown the biggest commitment to the FFA as well as showcased their accomplishments to meet the set requirements. Congratulations Lilly, Ben, and Kennedy.

The members had a great time and did a wonderful job representing Mississinawa Valley’s FFA Chapter at the 97th National FFA Convention!

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Joyful Jets 4-H Club December meeting

Joyful Jets 4-H Club December meeting

ARCANUM – On December 10, 2024 the Joyful Jets 4-H Club met at Trinity Methodist Church in Arcanum for a regularly scheduled 4-H meeting.

Vice President, Brooklyn Miller, called the meeting to order and led the pledges and motto. Secretary, Cheyenne Swisher, did roll call and read minutes from the previous meeting. The Treasurers Report was given by Caleb Wiant, Garett Miller gave a Safety Report and Willis Shiverdecker gave a Health Report.

In New Business, the club 2025 Program Committee meeting is on January 5, 2025 at 2:00 pm at Trinity Methodist Church. If Arcanum or FM has no school, then scheduled 4-H meetings will be canceled. If you would like Susan to purchase project books give her a list and $8.00 per book. Officer books (Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Historian) need to be filled out and turned in to Susan by January 14, 2025. The club conducted the election of officers for 2025: Brooklyn Miller, President; Hailie Wehrley, Vice President; Cheyenne Swisher, Secretary; Isaac Wiant, Treasurer; Brooklynn Longenecker, Health Leader; Garett Miller, Safety Leader; Daisey Shiverdecker, Historian; Hudson Wehrley and Jace Schiverdecker, Recreation Leaders; and Adelynn Longenecker, Devotion Leader.

Tammy Leugers led the club in games and the meeting was adjourned. Members enjoyed refreshments.

The next meeting will be January 14, 2025 at 6:00 pm at Trinity Methodist Church.

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Arcanum MVCTC places 5th in State contest

Arcanum MVCTC places 5th in State contest

ARCANUM – Members from Arcanum MVCTC FFA competed in the State Finals for the Ohio FFA Ag Technology and Mechanical Systems Contest and placed 5th in the State. Team members were Charlie Weiss, Noah Egnor, Matthew Denlinger, and Lance Brinksneader.

The members earned the right to compete in the Finals by placing in the top 10 on the online test in October. The online test included general knowledge and problem-solving questions on machinery, electricity, structures, equipment, environmental and natural resources.

During the State Finals Contest, held at The Ohio State University ATI in Wooster, members completed individual and team activities which included electrical skills, stick welding, equipment troubleshooting, differential leveling, yield calculations and the construction of a rafter.

“The ATMS contest uses a lot of real-world skills but on a time rotation,” team member Charlie Weiss said. “Even though I was on the finals team last year, it is always difficult because you never know exactly what challenges will be placed before you.”

For placing 5th the team will receive a banner at the State FFA Convention. Charlie Weiss will also receive a plaque for placing 3rd as an individual in the contest.

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Garland settles into new agricultural educator position with Greenville

Garland settles into new agricultural educator position with Greenville

GREENVILLE – The Greenville FFA Chapter celebrated its 95th anniversary with its new agricultural educator, Korey Garland. 

Earlier this year, during the summer, Garland learned that the agricultural educator position was vacant and offered his assistance to the administration. Shortly after, Garland, a 2015 graduate of Greenville High School, assumed the role when it was presented to him. 

“I was very active with the FFA Chapter once I graduated, being a part of the alumni,” said Garland. “I sat down with the Career Tech Director and had a meeting on how I could help until they found an advisor. Then later on, it was asked if it was something I’d be interested in.”

Garland explained that he had an interest in an agricultural educator position but thought that it’d be down the road upon more experience in his career and was ready to slow down. 

Garland was involved in the Greenville FFA Chapter where he served as chapter president during his junior and senior years of high school. He currently resides in Greenville, Ohio with his wife Lauren, and his daughter Karter. 

He attended Wright State University – Lake Campus where he graduated with a degree in agriculture in 2019. He has several years of experience in agriculture including ag sales, ag production, and ag technology. 

“Now I’m taking all that knowledge that I have and putting it into a 45-minute lesson every day,” said Garland. “

He expressed that a goal of his is to continue being involved with the Greenville FFA Chapter Members and helping them achieve their goals and hopefully have members with state degrees and American degrees. 

“We placed 10th at the district soil competition this year. The goal now is another one, another top ten. There’s a couple more competitions in the spring and I want to go to state.” 

Garland shared that he currently has about 56 active members in the Greenville FFA Chapter. 

There are currently many projects and events planned for the Greenville FFA Chapter. 

Some members of his mechanical principles class are currently building two chicken coops, with eight nesting boxes that will be sold upon completion. Members also had the chance to make and sell freshies recently in their business management class. 

There will be a degree ceremony held on December 12, 2024, with roughly 20 kids receiving degrees. 

Garland hopes to become more involved with the community in his chapter. They plan on continuing the adopt a highway program and some other already completed service projects. 

There will also be an upcoming event around February and it’ll be like an FFA Fair. Students will create posters and displays of their SAEs about what they do and help educate the public on those topics. It will be an open community event and everyone is welcome.  

Garland remains enthusiastic and positive about the upcoming year and is excited to give back to the FFA Chapter that started his passion for ag.

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