by CrownRandall | Nov 25, 2024 | Agriculture
ANSONIA – On Thursday November 14, 2024 the Ansonia FFA held their November monthly meeting. At this meeting they went over officer reports, old business, announcements, and new business. For new business they moved to hold a blood drive on November 19th, 2024 and they moved to hold the Christmas Party on December 12th, 2024.
For officer reports, they went over the treasurer and reporters report. We also recognized our November member of the month. She was one of our main leaders in Fall Fruit sales, attended the National FFA Convention, she participated in Fuel up in the Fields, and she did the CDE job interview. Our November member of the month was Sloane Gariety.
To conclude the meeting they had prepared walking tacos for all of the members to eat during lunch. The next FFA meeting will be held Thursday, December 12th, with a Christmas party to follow after school hours.
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by CrownRandall | Nov 24, 2024 | Agriculture
2024 has been a roller coaster year with regard to pasture production and growth across much of Ohio. Here in the east-central part of the state, drought took hold in July and really hasn’t eased up much. Pasture conditions continue to rate as poor or very poor and the hay crop was just a small percentage of a normal second cutting.
With the reduced forage availability both from pastures and from hay, beef producers will need to prepare to get their livestock through the winter months. In this article, OSU Extension Beef Specialist, Garth Ruff, details how producers can form a plan. Key factors of this plan include knowing how much-stored forage is available, getting forages tested, working with a nutritionist, and being flexible.
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by CrownRandall | Nov 24, 2024 | Agriculture
The major weather story of 2024 has been the drought conditions that began back in June and persisted throughout the summer and fall. This was capped off by this October ranking as the 7th driest October on record for Ohio (1895-2024), with 2024 year-to-date ranking as the warmest year for Ohio so far. However, conditions have finally started to moisten up over the last few weeks. OSU Extension Specialist Aaron Wilson provides a weather update, including the latest information on temperature
re and precipitation, as well as what to expect in the upcoming days.
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by CrownRandall | Nov 24, 2024 | Agriculture
Trusts are often an important component of a farm succession plan. But there are two primary different types of trust – revocable and irrevocable. A revocable trust often meets most needs and can be the preferred choice for flexibility. However, in cases where enhanced asset protection or estate tax management is necessary, an irrevocable trust may be more suitable.
Farm business management can be a complicated topic that is made much easier by informative bulletins. This article from Robert Moore introduces a new OSU Extension Bulletin on the topic of revocable and irrevocable trusts in farm succession planning. Moore also discusses several upcoming workshops on the topic of “Planning the Future of Your Farm”.
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by CrownRandall | Nov 24, 2024 | Agriculture
Drought conditions have affected most of Ohio at one point or more this summer and fall, and we need to consider the long-term effects that this could have on forages… While getting livestock through the winter is the main goal right now, we need to start looking at what will need to be done with pastures and hayfields.
As we continue to feel the effects of drought on our crops and livestock, its important to think about the long-term success of our forages. OSU Extension Educator Jordan Penrose shares some methods that can be used to improve forage stands. Frost seeding, interseeding, and complete renovation are three practices discussed in this article to improve your pastures and hayfields after severely dry weather.
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by CrownRandall | Nov 24, 2024 | Agriculture
Episode 4 of OSU Extension’s Green Fields Green Dollars series is now live on YouTube! The newest episode of the series features Greg LaBarge, field specialist in agronomic systems, who talks with Rachel and Clint about Nitrogen timing and economics. They discuss trends in the region, along with benefits and challenges of different N application timing.
Making nutrient management choices can be complicated, and it can be difficult to make the most profitable decisions. The latest “Green Fields Green Dollars” episode provides information to make those decisions easier for you.
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