by CrownRandall | Mar 7, 2025 | Agriculture
MARYSVILLE – On Saturday, March 3rd, Rhylan Broerman, Monica Evers and Colin Batten competed in the State FFA Public Speaking Contest held at Marysville High School.
Monica Evers tied for 2nd place in her room in the State FFA Creed Speaking Contest. Rhylan Broerman placed 3rd in her heat division in the State FFA Beginning Prepared competition. In this division, Rhylan prepared a five to seven-minute speech and answered questions about the topic. Colin Batten placed in the Top 2 in the first heat and placed 4th overall in the State FFA Extemporaneous Contest Public Speaking Contest Pl. Colin was given 30 minutes to prepare a four to six-minute speech and answer questions.
Congratulations to Rhylan, Monica and Colin on their state finishes.
by CrownRandall | Mar 7, 2025 | Agriculture
UNION CITY – On February 4, eight Mississinawa Valley MVCTC-FFA Chapter members participated in the online Farm Business Management CDE. The team was composed of Aldon Edger, Daniel Hartzell, Brooklynn Seubert, Matalin Meyer, Taylee Woodbury, Shelby Fennig, Cayde Neukam, and Allyson Waymire.
When the day of the contest came, they took a 90-question test; half was over general farm business knowledge, and half was problem-solving questions related to Ag business. They had to analyze business decisions and apply economic principles in relation to agriculture.
The team placed 12th in the state out of 104 schools! The team was led by Aldon, Daniel, Brooklynn, and Matalin. Aldon Edger placed fourth in the state out of 1,054 individuals!
Great job to all participants!
by CrownRandall | Mar 7, 2025 | Agriculture
I hope this Newsletter finds you well. After some fairly comfortable weather last week, the conditions since then have reminded us that winter is still here, with colder temperatures and strong winds, as well as some precipitation ( It won’t be too long before we are able to get back out into the fields and gardens.
HPAI in Darke County and the surrounding region continues to be an important topic, with a current number of 21 affected premises in Darke County and roughly 14.6 million birds affected throughout the state. Continue using proper biosecurity measures when working with backyard flocks. More information on biosecurity, as well as the latest numbers of Bird Flu, can be tracked at the ODA website:
I will be at Worch Library on March 13th at 11:00 a.m. to discuss Backyard Biosecurity. Here, we will discuss what backyard livestock producers can do to help prevent the spread of disease. I hope to see you there!
The next Darke County Garden Roundtables will be March 12th at 12:00 p.m. and March 20th at 6:00 p.m. The agenda for the Roundtables is attached.
The next Darke County Ag Breakfast will be March 21st at 7:30 a.m. at Jack’s Cabin in Greenville.
This week’s Newsletter topics include:
Calf Health, Nutrition, and Economics
Clover in the Pasture
Growing Jerusalem Artichokes
Spring Planting Outlook
The Impact of a Dry Summer and Hard Winter on Pasture
Top Dressing Wheat with Liquid Manure
I hope you enjoy this week’s Newsletter, and as always, never hesitate to reach out to me and let me know how I can best serve you and all of Darke County.
by Caden Buschur, Darke County Extension Educator
by CrownRandall | Mar 5, 2025 | Agriculture
DARKE COUNTY – The Jr Leaders 4-H club is an opportunity for kids who are 13 years and older who yearn to grow in leadership and to better serve their community. Dedicated to building leaders by teaching valuable skills and community service opportunities, this is a fantastic opportunity for young people who want to grow in the 4-H community.
The Jr Leaders 4-H club is non-project-based, meaning anyone is welcome, with or without having projects signed up. The club is led by Mercedes McFarland, Blake Addis, GraceLynn Harter, and Katie Brown, all with an extensive background in 4-H, full of leadership, project-taking, and community service success. The advisors know how important it is to incorporate community service and leadership skills to 4-H youth projects, resume building, and their lives.
In this club, members will have the opportunity to impact their community by doing simple tasks. At the first meeting, members painted rocks that were hidden all over the Darke County Fairgrounds.
People of all ages were able to find these special rocks and were awarded a little 4-H token, inspiring that 4-H is all about curiosity.
In the next meeting, members got to play games like “Know your Fellow Leader”, games dedicated to getting to know each other better and to help inspire teamwork. Along with games, members filled and decorated lunch bags for First Responders and farmers, showing appreciation for all their hard work. After the meeting, members dropped off their bags to whom they decorated for.
This is just a start for the Jr Leaders 4-H Club. With more recognition and added members, this club can provide members numerous opportunities for community service and leadership skills that they can hold on to for the rest of their lives.
by CrownRandall | Mar 5, 2025 | Agriculture
DARKE COUNTY – On Sunday, the Trails and Tails 4-H Club attended the annual Darke County 4-H Kickoff event held at the Community Building. This exciting gathering celebrated the achievements and hard work of 4-H members, offering a chance for young individuals to showcase their dedication to personal growth, leadership, and community service.
The event was a proud moment for several members of the Trails and Tails 4-H Club, who received well-deserved awards for their outstanding contributions over the past year. The recognition not only highlights their commitment to the 4-H program but also encourages continued growth and excellence in future endeavors.
Awards and Recognition
Achievement Award: Olivia Elliott
Leadership Award: Sophia Hemmelgarn
Silver Premier 4-H Member: Sophia Hemmelgarn
Outstanding Secretary Book: Ruby Delk
Silver Premier 4-H Member: Ruby Delk
Achievement Award: Ruby Delk
Silver Premier 4-H Member: Bailey Foster
Outstanding Treasurer Book: Ashleigh Shepherd
Silver Premier 4-H Member: Olivia Elliott
Outstanding Historian Book: Caleb Elliott
Bronze Premier 4-H Member: Caleb Elliott
Leadership Award: Caleb Elliott
Outstanding Reporter Book: Summer Harter
Leadership Award: Bailey Foster
Achievement Award: Bailey Foster
Additionally, the Trails and Tails 4-H Club was proud to be recognized with the Gold Honor Club award for the third consecutive year. This prestigious honor is given to clubs that demonstrate outstanding performance, leadership, and community involvement. The achievement reflects the club’s consistent commitment to excellence in all aspects of 4-H activities.
The recognition of these exceptional 4-H members is a testament to their hard work and dedication throughout the year. Whether in leadership roles, managing club responsibilities, or excelling in their record-keeping, these young individuals have truly set a high standard for others in the community.
The Trails and Tails 4-H Club is proud of each member’s achievements, and the club looks forward to continuing to inspire and support youth in their 4-H journey. The Darke County 4-H Kickoff event was a wonderful opportunity for members to come together, celebrate their successes, and set their sights on new goals for the coming year.
Interested in Joining?
If you’re interested in becoming a part of the Trails and Tails 4-H Club, please contact Madison Werner at 937-564-7250 or come to our next meeting on March 17th at 7 PM at the Youth Building. We’d love to have you join our dedicated and welcoming community of 4-H members!
As the year progresses, these award recipients will continue to make a lasting impact in their communities, demonstrating the power of youth leadership and commitment.
Congratulations to all the members of the Trails and Tails 4-H Club for their well-earned recognition!
by CrownRandall | Mar 3, 2025 | Agriculture
UNION CITY – The Mississinawa Valley MVCTC-FFA Chapter’s Treasurer, Secretary, and Reporter earned Gold on their 2024-25 officer books!
Emma Brock the Treasurer, Brennan Manning the Secretary, and Matalin Meyer the Reporter, had to individually create a book of their records. They each kept records from the 2024-25 school year and submitted their book to be evaluated. Emma had to keep the chapter’s financial records, including the chapter budget, membership records, receipts and bills, and overall balances. She then had to properly organize all her findings into her book. Brennan had to keep a record of chapter activities, meetings, and membership. He had to correctly organize the following information in his book: meeting, membership, officer, committee, and program information, along with the chapter’s constitution and by-laws, and a record of correspondence. Matalin had to keep a record of print media, digital media, and photographs from the past year. She had to properly format her book in chronological order, including the various forms of media, while being creative and visually appealing.
Once submitted, the officer’s books can earn Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Honorable Mention. Emma, Brennan, and Matalin all received a Gold rating on their books! These three will be recognized at the Ohio FFA State Convention in May. Congratulations, Emma, Brennan, and Matalin! Thank you for your dedication this past school year.