by CrownRandall | Nov 27, 2024 | Agriculture
VERSAILLES – On Saturday, November 23rd, Piage Gehret and Colin Batten represented Versailles FFA members and District 5 FFA and competed in the State FFA Job Interview Contest over Zoom.
The contest is designed to assist FFA members in the development of oral skills with the job application and interview process. Students had to create a resume and cover letter, fill out a job application pertaining to a specific agricultural job, complete an interview and write a follow-up thank you letter and address an envelope in a timed session.
Paige Gehret and Colin Batten both advanced to the state level after placing 1st in District 5 FFA.
Paige Gehret placed 4th overall in the state in the junior division and Colin Batten placed 8th overall in the senior division in the state.
A special thank you to Olivia Schmitmeyer, Josie Jennings, Sam Custer, Lucy Bambaurer, Bethany Menke, Elizabeth Coons, Amy Hoying, Laura Wuebker, David Harmon, Beth Simons and Jacki Stonebraker for helping work with Paige and Colin in preparation for the State FFA Job Interview Contest.
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by CrownRandall | Nov 27, 2024 | Agriculture
VERSAILLES – On November 12th the Ansonia FFA had an unforgettable night at Versailles School for Leadership night. 400 members came together from across District 5 for this exciting event.
Upon arrival, the students separated into two groups, by schools, where their leaders for the night were Jayden Hicks, Daniel Hartzell, and Ryan Bowsher.
The theme was all about music; therefore, they played music-related games that had to do with leadership along with other team-building activities. Towards the end of the evening, they were able to mingle with other chapters that were there.
Thank you to the Ohio FFA Association for supporting this event, and Versailles School for hosting. We are grateful to the state officers for dedicating their time and talents to invest in the next generation of agricultural leaders.
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by CrownRandall | Nov 27, 2024 | Agriculture
ARCANUM – On November 19th the Arcanum MVCTC FFA Chapter welcomed its new members during the Greenhand Degree Ceremonies. The ceremony was held during the regular November Meeting. The Ceremony was highlighted by Chapter President Brooke Anderson and Chapter Advisor Mr. Pohlman presenting recipients with the Bronze Greenhand FFA Degrees and the presentation of the FFA Creed by Greenhand Recipients Mackenzie Subler, Lailee McCubbin, Leland Neeumaier, Hudson Knaus, and Ella Warren.
To be eligible to receive the Greenhand FFA Degree from the chapter, a member must meet the following minimum qualifications: Be enrolled in agricultural education and have satisfactory plans for a supervised agricultural experience program. Learn and explain the FFA Creed, motto, salute and FFA Mission Statement. Describe and explain the meaning of the FFA emblem and colors. Demonstrate a knowledge of the FFA Code of Ethics and the proper use of the FFA jacket. Demonstrate a knowledge of the history of the organization, the chapter constitution and bylaws and the chapter Program of Activities. Personally own or have access to the Official FFA Manual and the FFA Student Handbook. Finally, they must submit a written application for the Greenhand Degree.
The Arcanum MVCTC FFA Officer Team would like to congratulate the new members and wish them well in their FFA Careers.
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by CrownRandall | Nov 25, 2024 | Agriculture
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – On October 23-25, the Ansonia FFA officer team headed to the 96th National FFA Convention. On their way there they stopped at Jungle Jims where they explored various foods from other countries and cultures by going on a tour and then spent some time shopping. After Jungle Jims they drove to Downtown Indianapolis to their hotel and then to dinner. Finally, they headed to the Megan Moroney concert and that ended their night.
On October 24th, the officer team started their morning with breakfast and headed to the opening session. They then brought a day trip down to Indianapolis of around 20 members. The members and officers met up for the day, and they spent the entire day at the convention center where they attended Session 2, explored careers and college opportunities at the expo center and enjoyed shopping at the FFA mall. The whole group finished the day with dinner together.
On October 25th, the team headed to a tour at Teter Organic Farms. Teter Organic Farm is located on the outskirts of Indianapolis where they grow vegetables, flowers and more for the community. They have multiple outreach programs where community members are able to stop in to volunteer and get fresh air that is sparse in the city. After the tour, they went to an early dinner followed by the rodeo and that finished their night and concluded their National FFA Convention 2024 trip.
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by CrownRandall | Nov 25, 2024 | Agriculture
ANSONIA – On Thursday November 14, 2024 the Ansonia FFA held their November monthly meeting. At this meeting they went over officer reports, old business, announcements, and new business. For new business they moved to hold a blood drive on November 19th, 2024 and they moved to hold the Christmas Party on December 12th, 2024.
For officer reports, they went over the treasurer and reporters report. We also recognized our November member of the month. She was one of our main leaders in Fall Fruit sales, attended the National FFA Convention, she participated in Fuel up in the Fields, and she did the CDE job interview. Our November member of the month was Sloane Gariety.
To conclude the meeting they had prepared walking tacos for all of the members to eat during lunch. The next FFA meeting will be held Thursday, December 12th, with a Christmas party to follow after school hours.
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