UNION CITY – The Mississinawa Valley MVCTC-FFA Chapter’s Treasurer, Secretary, and Reporter earned Gold on their 2024-25 officer books!
Emma Brock the Treasurer, Brennan Manning the Secretary, and Matalin Meyer the Reporter, had to individually create a book of their records. They each kept records from the 2024-25 school year and submitted their book to be evaluated. Emma had to keep the chapter’s financial records, including the chapter budget, membership records, receipts and bills, and overall balances. She then had to properly organize all her findings into her book. Brennan had to keep a record of chapter activities, meetings, and membership. He had to correctly organize the following information in his book: meeting, membership, officer, committee, and program information, along with the chapter’s constitution and by-laws, and a record of correspondence. Matalin had to keep a record of print media, digital media, and photographs from the past year. She had to properly format her book in chronological order, including the various forms of media, while being creative and visually appealing.
Once submitted, the officer’s books can earn Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Honorable Mention. Emma, Brennan, and Matalin all received a Gold rating on their books! These three will be recognized at the Ohio FFA State Convention in May. Congratulations, Emma, Brennan, and Matalin! Thank you for your dedication this past school year.