VERSAILLES – The Versailles FFA announced their second nine weeks point winners at the February FFA Meeting on February 20th.

To earn points, members participate in different activities through the chapter, such as Career Development Events and community service activities.

The point system is divided into a high school division, an 8th-grade division, and a capstone division. The winners in the high school division include: 1st place: Brooklyn Livingston, 2nd place: Monica Evers and 3rd place: Ruth Smith. The winners of the 8th grade division include: 1st place: Isabel Grisez, 2nd place: Frankie Broerman and 3rd place: Elizabeth Grieshop. The winners of the capstone division are as follows: 1st place: Josie Pothast, 2nd place: Jocelyn Mumaw, and 3rd place: Zac Bartram. The class period that had the highest average of points per person was Mrs. Wuebker’s 4th period class.

Congratulations to all the point winners and keep up the great work!