VERSAILLES – At the February 20th Versailles FFA Meeting and officer elections, three seniors were named Versailles FFA members of the month, and they include Zander Keller, Lincoln Winner and Allee Grimme.
Zander Keller is a senior and a 5-year member. He has participated in monthly meetings, trash pickup, fall harvest sale, farm day, national convention, fruit sales, omelet breakfast, soup and sandwich social, ag is cool tent, PALS, shop and crop, and more. He has earned his state degree, competed and found success in state wildlife and was on the first ag mechanical engineering team. Zander is the son of Josh and Diane Keller. Zander received a t-shirt and a certificate. Congratulations to our first member of the month, Zander Keller.
Lincoln Winner is a senior and 5-year member. He has participated in the monthly meetings, canned food and toy drives, fruit sales, leadership night, exhibits at the fair, shop and crop, farm day, state convention, eagles breakfast, CDE luncheon, and more. He has earned his state degree and has found success at county fairs, invitational, and state general livestock shows. Lincoln is the son of Brian and Lisa Winner. Lincoln received a t-shirt and a certificate. Congratulations Lincoln!
Allee Grimme is our third member and final member of the month for February is a senior and 5-year member. She has participated in monthly meetings, leadership night, college career fair, national convention, buyer appreciation breakfast, trash pick up, omelet breakfast, eagles breakfast, soup and sandwich social, canned food drive, fruit sales and fruit load out, feed the farmer, ag is cool tent, farm day, and more. She will earn her state degree at the state convention in May, and she has found success in invitation and state general livestock. Allee is the daughter of Heidi Grimme. Allee received a t-shirt and a certificate. Congratulations to our final member of the month Allee!